How to Unclog an RV Toilet

How to Unclog an RV Toilet

Every seasoned RVer knows that maintaining a functional toilet is essential for Full Time RV Living. Like all toilets, RV toilets can also face the occasional unpleasant clog. Relieving an RV toilet of a clog, though, requires a slightly different approach than a standard toilet due to its unique anatomy. Understanding the causes of these clogs is the first step towards effective resolution and prevention.

Causes of Clogs

An RV toilet clog typically stems from the incorrect usage of toilet paper or flushing items not meant for disposal in an RV toilet. Another common cause is inadequate water in the black water tank, preventing proper dilution and easy flow of waste.

Ignoring the issue might lead not only to unpleasant odors and inconvenient restroom usage but also serious damages to the toilet system. Hence, immediate resolution is crucial.

In the upcoming sections, we will guide you through several handy and practical solutions, which range from using simple tools like a plunger to specialized tools and utilities. Let’s delve further into these methods and provide some peace of mind in situations when your RV toilet requires unclogging.

Traditional Plunging

Let’s start with the most common method known to anyone who has ever faced a clogged toilet: plunging. This traditional, age-old method works surprisingly well even for an RV toilet clog.


Make sure you have a high-quality plunger that forms a good seal. The effectiveness of the method largely depends on the quality of the seal created by the plunger.


First, insert the plunger into the toilet bowl, ensuring that it forms a seal over the drain. Next, give it a few sturdy pushes and pulls without breaking the seal. You will want to be careful during this process, as hard plunging could cause splash back from the toilet.


Following the plunging, before flushing again, add some water to the bowl. If the water drains out smoothly, you’ve successfully unclogged the toilet. If it doesn’t, you might have to plunge a little more or try out other methods.

Remember, plunging might seem like an underwhelming solution but it’s a tried and tested method before moving onto the other methods. Moreover, it is always handy to keep a plunger around as it doesn’t require any special skills nor does it have any safety concerns.

The Ice Cube Method

A method not commonly known but surprisingly effective for unclogging RV toilets is the ice cube method. This involves placing ice cubes in the toilet to break up the obstruction.

Steps to Follow

Simply fill the toilet bowl with ice cubes, then add some cold water. After this, drive your RV around for a bit. The combination of ice cubes and the motion of the vehicle will agitate the waste and toilet paper, breaking down the clog. The cold water further aids in hardening any grease or fat, converting it into easily breakable solid chunks.

Result Monitoring

Once you’ve parked your RV, let the ice cubes melt. If the water drains away once the ice has melted, the clog has been broken down successfully. In case it persists, reapply the method or combine it with an alternative method like hot water or specialized tools.

This method might seem a little odd, but it’s a surprisingly effective way of dealing with pesky toilet clogs without requiring any specialised equipment. Plus, it’s safe and doesn’t involve any harsh chemicals which might damage your toilet system.

Using Hot Water

Hot water serves as another readily accessible tool for unclogging an RV toilet. Here’s how to use it effectively.

Gathering Materials

You’ll need a bucket of hot water – not boiling, just hot. Be sure to take necessary precautions as dealing with hot water can result in accidental burns.

The Procedure

You start by pouring the hot water directly into the toilet bowl. The heat aids in loosening and dissolving the dense waste that might be causing the clog. After pouring the water, let it sit for a while to do its job.

The Outcome

Once you’ve allowed ample time for the hot water to act on the clog, try flushing the toilet. If the water goes down smoothly, it’s good news – the clog has been dislodged.

This method is both simple and highly effective. It’s also a good option if you’re situated somewhere cold where ice cubes would take too long to melt, or if you do not have an ice maker in your RV. Extra caution should be taken, though, as handling hot water always comes with a risk of burns.

Tank Cleaning Wand

The Valterra Master Blaster RV Tank Cleaning Wand presents a specialized solution for stubborn clogs in RV toilet systems. With its simplicity in design paired with cleaning efficiency, it is a highly recommended tool, particularly for stubborn clogs and residue.

To use this tool, insert the wand into the toilet and manually rotate it 360 degrees. This action leverages the strong spray from its tapered power nozzle, which effectively dislodges stubborn waste and debris, leaving the black water tank thoroughly cleaned.

An added advantage of using this cleaning wand is its shut-off valve at the top, which grants you control over the water flow, making it easy to handle. Moreover, the sure-grip handle ensures the cleaning process is less physically strenuous.

Despite it being a more specialized tool, the Valterra Master Blaster RV Tank Cleaning Wand undoubtedly packs a powerful punch in keeping your RV toilet clean and clear of clogs. However, remember that it’s just one tool in toolbox for maintaining a clean and functioning RV toilet system.

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Valterra Master Blaster RV Tank Cleaning Wand

  • Specialized tool for deep cleaning black water tanks
  • Easy-to-use design: rotating 360 degrees for effective results
  • Tapered power nozzle generates a powerful spray, dislodging stubborn waste and debris
  • Includes a shut-off valve controlling water flow for easier operation
  • Sure-grip handle enables user control and comfort

Tissue Digesting Chemicals

Sometimes, simple steps before a problem occurs can save lots of fuss down the road. For maintaining your RV toilet, Thetford’s Tissue Digester is a practical tool to consider. It primarily aids in breaking down tissue, which can cause clogs if not properly dissolved.

While it’s been designed with RV toilets in mind, boats with similar systems can also benefit from this product. But its most noteworthy feature is its 100% biodegradable constitution. There’s a sense of comfort in knowing you’re using a product that’s friendly both to nature and your waste treatment system.

Beyond breaking down tissue, this digester helps maintain the free-flowing nature of drain lines. Others in the RVing community have found it to be a robust, preventative measure against potential clogs. It’s not a magic potion but it’s certainly beneficial in the long haul for smoother, more worry-free travels.

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Thetford RV Tissue Digester

  • Designed to work with RVs and boats 
  • Breaks up tissue-causing clogs and keeps drain lines clean and flowing free 
  • Specially formulated to prevents build-ups on tank walls and drain lines 
  • Formulated to work with grey or black water tanks 
  • Tissue Digester is 100% biodegradable, safe for all waste treatment systems

Additional Tips and Precautions

In dealing with clogged RV toilets, a little added knowledge can go a long way. Here are some extra tips and precautions to consider:

  • Regularly check your black water tank. The sensors in your tank aren’t always accurate and the only way to know for sure is to visually inspect.
  • Always use rapid-dissolving toilet paper designed for RVs. This paper is made to break up easily and cause less clogging issues in an RV’s black water tank.
  • Maintain an optimal water ratio. A dry tank can lead to stubborn clogs and make it tough for waste to travel down the pipe.
  • Never drain your black tank until it is at least 2/3 full. If there isn’t enough waste material and liquid, it could result in a clog.
  • Be cautious about what else you’re flushing. Items like baby wipes, feminine hygiene products, paper towels, and other debris should not be introduced into your RV’s sewage system.

Most importantly, conduct regular maintenance of your toilet, exercising precaution and understanding the limitations of your RV toilet system. These tips not only help to clear clogs, but also prevent future issues, ensuring the longevity of your RV’s plumbing.


Dealing with a clogged toilet can be a nuisance, even more so when you’re on the road in an RV. But, equipping yourself with the right tools and know-how can make managing these tricky situations a lot easier. Whether it’s a plunger, hot water, ice cubes, the Valterra Master Blaster Wand, or even Thetford’s Tissue Digester, each method has its place and effectiveness in maintaining a smoothly functioning RV toilet.

In the end, proper maintenance and timely interventions are crucial in preventing serious damage to your RV’s sewer system and ensuring a worry-free travel experience. Bear in mind, the perfect solution to unclogging an RV toilet is one that suits your comfort level and the specific needs of your RV toilet system. Happy travels, and may your journey be free from inconvenient plumbing issues!


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