How to Start Van Life

How to Start Van Life

“Van life” is a concept that has been steadily gaining traction in recent years, captivating individuals from all walks of life who crave the freedom and flexibility it offers. With the constraints of the traditional 9-5 way of life becoming increasingly clear, a growing number of individuals are seeking alternative ways of living that foster simplicity, adventure, and a closer connection with the natural world. However, starting your journey towards van life may firstly seem daunting and filled with uncertainty. This guide aims to cast away those doubts by shedding light on the essential aspects of how to start van life.

In essence, van life encompasses the spirit of minimalism, adventure, and freedom. This lifestyle choice is about stepping away from societal expectations, embracing the open road, and relishing in the simplicity of living with less. It isn’t just about living in a van; it’s about breaking free from norms and accepting mobility as a part of day-to-day life.

It’s important to note that van life isn’t for everyone. It calls for adaptability, resourcefulness, and resilience. To fully embrace this lifestyle, you’ll need a willingness to navigate through the challenges that come with living in a compact, mobile space. But if you’re yearning for a way of life that defies convention, offers new perspectives, and adds a dash of adventure to each day, then van life might just be the perfect fit for you.

Dreaming About Van Life

Embarking on the van life journey begins long before you own a van. Start by visualizing your new lifestyle. What will your days look like? Where will you travel? Which season or weather do you prefer to be surrounded by?

RV on the side of a beautiful vista

Immerse yourself in the world of van living by following popular van life blogs, YouTube channels, and Instagram profiles. As you delve into their world, you’ll start to understand the nitty-gritty of this lifestyle, including the everyday realities that often don’t make it into the well-curated social media posts.

Before making any decisions, it’s important to consider the reasons why you’re drawn to van life. Is it the chance to explore new surroundings, the potential for a more minimalistic lifestyle, the freedom from a stagnant 9-to-5 routine, or maybe a combination of these? Understanding your core motivations will help guide your preparations and allow you to realistically assess if this lifestyle change is the right fit for your needs and desires.

Reflecting on these considerations will give you the clarity of vision you need to start planning your move towards van life. It’s not a decision to be taken lightly, but with careful reflection, it can become a powerful catalyst for personal liberation and adventure.

Building Your Own Van

Your van isn’t just your vehicle; it’s your home on wheels. To make it comfortable and functional, you need to put thought into creating a layout, and consider aspects like storage, sleeping arrangements, cooking facilities, and even a workspace if required.

Designing and building the interior of the van is a critical transition in your van life journey. While it might be tempting to hire professionals, constructing it yourself can be both rewarding and cost-effective.

Start by brainstorming a personalized layout that fulfills your basic living needs. Consider where you’ll sleep, where you’ll cook, where you’d like to sit, how much storage you’ll need, and any other niche aspects that relate to your hobbies and lifestyle.

Next, consider key utilities such as power and water. A solar setup is commonly used in vans to provide electricity. Installing a water jug with a spout is a simple solution for running water, while some van dwellers even install a water pump and sink.

Insulation is another crucial factor to consider, especially for those intending to travel in colder climates. It increases your van’s ability to retain heat, ensuring a comfortable temperature within the vehicle.

Remember that building a van takes time and plenty of trial and error. Don’t be discouraged if things don’t always go as planned. Instead, keep your end goal in mind and take each hurdle as a learning experience on your journey to van life.

Financial Considerations

Embracing van life doesn’t automatically mean you’ll spend less money; it just implies that your expenses will differ. It’s vital to establish a realistic budget that covers fuel, van maintenance, food, health insurance and unexpected expenses.

Your van, while a onetime purchase, will have ongoing costs. Regular maintenance, needed repairs, and insurance are all elements to consider.

Travel and fuel costs can fluctuate based on the distance covered and the price of gas, so it’s essential to account for this in your budget.

A main component of your budget will be food and living costs. This includes everything from groceries, to campground fees, to WiFi, or even the occasional stay at a hotel or Airbnb.

Moreover, even though you’ll be living on the road, health insurance remains essential. Remember to research and choose a health plan that covers you wherever you are.

Overall, part of the charm of van life lies in its financial flexibility, but it also requires responsibility and planning. Therefore, setting up an emergency fund is an integral part of life on the road, giving you peace of mind in the case of any unexpected occurrences.

Living on The Road

Living on the road can be both exhilarating and demanding. It pushes you out of your comfort zone, asking you to adapt to different environments, become self-sufficient, and embrace the unfamiliar.

For more about it, check out our Comprehensive Guide to Full Time RV Living.

Adapting to this lifestyle involves getting used to smaller spaces, less personal belongings and understanding that things constantly change when you’re on the open road. This might seem challenging initially, but over time, many find this simplification liberating.

Working on the road is something you’ll have to consider as well. Thanks to technology, a rise in remote jobs makes this easier than ever. Digital nomad occupations, freelance work, or even seasonal jobs could be part of your journey.

Embrace the opportunity to explore. Whether you want to roam the back roads of your home country or cross international borders, your new lifestyle brings infinite possibilities that many can only dream of.

Remember, even though you’re mobile, routine is helpful. Regular routines for work, meals, exercise, and even downtime contribute to a sense of normalcy and structure, which can make life on the road more manageable and enjoyable.

Lastly, take the time to appreciate the journey, not just the destination. Van life provides a unique way to see the world and experience places. Enjoy every moment, learn from each encounter, and soak in all the experiences that this unique way of living brings.

Healthcare and Emergencies

Although the freedom of van life can be captivating, it also brings a unique set of challenges regarding healthcare and emergencies. Being prepared can mean the difference between a minor issue and a major concern.

Healthcare is especially crucial to plan for. Ensure that you have health insurance cover that’s valid wherever you travel. Regular check-ups are essential to monitor your health status and address any small issues before they escalate. Medicine supply is another important aspect; keep a stocked first-aid kit in your van at all times.

Coping with emergencies in an ever-changing environment requires readiness. Basic strategies should include having emergency numbers for the regions you’re traveling through, ensuring your phone is always charged, and keeping essential survival items, like a torch, extra food, and water, easily accessible.

In case of a breakdown, have a plan. Joining an auto club can offer peace of mind and practical assistance if you find yourself stranded. It’s also useful to learn basic van mechanics; simple knowledge like changing a tire or troubleshooting common problems can go a long way.

While it’s essential to live in the moment and enjoy the freedom that van life offers, it’s equally important to remember the potential risks and ensure you’re prepared to handle them.


Contrary to what you might imagine, van life doesn’t have to mean disconnecting from the digital world. Essential technology can enhance your lifestyle, keep you connected, and improve your van’s functionality.

Investing in a good quality smartphone is crucial, as it doubles as your communication, navigation, and entertainment device. Make sure to install all essential applications for location scouting, road directions, weather updates, parking aids, and essential local services.

Internet access is crucial for your digital needs, be it work, connections, or entertainment. Consider investing in a wireless router or a mobile hotspot device. Alternatively, choose a phone plan with sufficient data according to your needs. A service like Starlink can be essential if you are traveling outside of range of cell phone networks.

Solar panels are almost invariably a part of the van life adventure. They provide an eco-friendly solution to power your devices and van appliances.

Also, don’t overlook the value of a high-quality camera. Whether you’re a skilled photographer or casual snapper, documenting your journey through photographs or videos can enrich your experience.

Above all, remember that while maintaining connectivity is important, one of the main draws of van life is the chance to disconnect occasionally, relish in simplistic living, and soak in the beauty of the natural world around you.

Legalities and Rules

While van life offers liberation, it doesn’t exempt you from laws and regulations. Understanding and respecting these laws is a fundamental part of being a responsible van lifer.

First amongst these are parking laws. Laws about where you can park overnight vary, so make sure to adequately research each location you visit to avoid costly fines or difficult situations. Mobile apps and websites are available that provide information about legal overnight parking spots.

It’s essential to have correct and up-to-date vehicle documentation, including registration, inspections, and insurance. If you’re traveling internationally, ensure you’re aware of what additional documentation you might need.

Respecting the environment is not only ethical but often legally required. Familiarize yourself with the principles of ‘Leave No Trace’ camping, abide by fire restrictions, and always dispose of waste responsibly.

Above all, remember you’re a guest in every new place you visit. You’re an ambassador for the van life community, and your actions can impact how van life is perceived by others. So be considerate, respectful, and remember to uphold the law, no matter where you are.

Read more about the legalities of Van Life.

The Joy of Van Life

As you journey into the world of van life, you’ll discover that it’s about so much more than just living in a van. This lifestyle brims with enriching experiences, personal growth, and unique adventures. As with any way of life, there are both joys and challenges.

You’ll swiftly discover that van life presents an unrivalled sense of freedom. It provides an avenue to explore new places, abandon tedious routines, and delve into the beauty of the raw, natural world. This lifestyle can unlock a level of simplicity and minimalism that isn’t always available in traditional living.

One of the most rewarding aspects of van life is the communities you become part of along the way. You’ll meet like-minded people, develop deep connections, and become part of a network of individuals who share a love for the open road.

However, remember that van life isn’t always an endless vacation. It comes with its share of challenges, including mechanical troubles, minimal private space, and the need to plan extensively. But, for many, overcoming these difficulties only enhances the sense of accomplishment and fulfillment that this unique lifestyle brings.

Ultimately, the decision to embark on the van life journey is deeply personal. It’s a path that calls for courage, resilience, and a thirst for the unknown. If you’re someone who is yearning to break away from the norm, seeking a life of simplicity and adventure, then perhaps it’s time you start your journey into the world of van life.


Remember, as with any new venture, patience and planning are key in ensuring a smooth transition. Van life isn’t a decision to be taken lightly, but for those who dare, it opens up a world filled with endless horizons, unforgettable experiences, and unique personal growth that can profoundly enrich your view on life.

So, whether you’re planning on dipping your toes into this lifestyle for a couple of months or you’re envisioning a decade-long adventure, remember that the most important thing is to relish every moment of the journey. Van life is not a destination, it’s a journey about freedom, simplicity, and non-conformity. So, buckle-up, start your engine, and begin the adventure of a lifetime.


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